Monday, February 4, 2008

A new idea for cutlery

I don't know what it is about my workplace but there is never a fork in the lunchroom.
I have learned to bring my own but every now and then, on those days when I'm not at my sharpest, I forget. Lunchtime comes, I go to the drawer, and ... nothing. I once ate Mr. Noodles with a spoon. Not a picture of culinary grace, that's for sure.

The solution? Din-Ink: Pen caps that are cutlery! (I assume that is pronounced 'dine-ink'). Straight from Italy, these little marvels won first place in Design Boom's Dining in 2015 design.

They're made from "GM free corn and potato" and are 100% biodegradable and atoxic. Pen chewers rejoice!
Now if only I still used pens with caps on them...

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