Monday, February 4, 2008

Vegetarian Shepherd's Pie

Normally, shepherd’s pie has mashed potatoes on top. Brian and I were talking a couple of nights ago and thought, “Hey… why couldn’t you put cornbread on top instead of potatoes?”. Have we gone far enough off of the sheep trail that it isn’t considered shepherd’s pie anymore? I don’t know and the result was so tasty that I’m not sure I care… I’ll debate it when I’m done eating.

My version is vegetarian and strays a bit from the recipe on the back of the packet so I included directions (the ground round is pre-cooked so really just needs to be heated). Shepherd’s pie is one of those things that you never make the same way twice … one time you might throw in carrots, the next time you don’t. It is really up to your own tastebuds and perhaps, for the less planned among us, what is in your fridge at that moment.

I could have easily found a recipe for shepherd’s pie online but I had one of those spice mixes in my pantry and it was 9 o’clock at night so I decided to go with the easy alternative this time. Free plug for them.


1 packet Club House Shepherd’s Pie Seasoning Mix
1 package Yves Veggie Ground Round Original (or one of the flavored ones if you prefer)
2 or 3 medium carrots, sliced
1 medium yellow onion
1/2 cup frozen peas
1/2 cup corn niblets


In a saucepan, cook carrots and onion in a little bit of oil over medium-high heat, until onions are soft.

Mix the seasoning mix with 3/4 cup of water (as directed on package). Add ground round, peas, corn, and seasoning mixture to the saucepan. Lower heat to medium and cook for 5 minutes more.

Meanwhile, mix the cornbread. (I used just a regular recipe for cornbread that was on the back of the cornmeal bag. Use whatever recipe that you know works).

Pour the ground round mixture into a large casserole dish. Pour the cornbread mixture overtop. Bake in a 350 degree. All of the other ingredients are cooked at this point so we only have to worry about the cornbread. When mine was golden on top and a toothpick came out clean, I called it done.

Perfect leftovers.

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